Coorganisé avec Matthieu Joseph. Le groupe de travail se réunit tous les vendredis à 10h en salle 1013 du bâtiment Sophie Germain.
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Selon la demande, il est possible que nous diffusions les exposés sur BBB.
Prochain exposé: vendredi 22 novembre, 10:00, salle 1013, bâtiment Sophie Germain, diffusée sur BBB :
On growth of cocycles for isometric representations on Banach spaces II.
It is known by the Delorme-Guichardet theorem that for σ-compact locally compact groups property (T) coincides with property FH,
that is, the property that every continuous isometric action on a Hilbert space has a fixed point.
Another rephrasing of this property is the fact that for any unitary representation all 1-cocycles have to be bounded.
Inspired by the work of V.Lafforgue, we will explore the asymptotics of how unbounded can the 1-cocycles be in the case of a group without property FLp,
an Lp-analogue of property FH, more precisely we will study the behaviour as n
grows to infinity of sup|g|≤ n ||b(g)||
and ||b||Lp(μ*n)
where μ is an appropriate probability in G.
Prévisions : exposé de Juan Paucar le 29 novembre (suite et fin). Puis nous aurons un exposé de Sasha Gurieva sur les critères de tautness de Bader-Furman-Sauer.